Global Initiative
Network of Experts

This is a space dedicated to GI-TOC Network (GIN) members where you will be able to search through contents created by or featuring the participation of Network members.
To suggest contributions or for more information on GIN-related engagement, please do get in touch with us.
Welcome to the Global Initiative Network of Experts Resource Centre!
Network bulletin
The aim of the bulletin is to bring Network members closer together so that they can learn from one another. The bulletin was created to showcase our members' recent publications and activities. It also allows the Global Initiative to keep you informed about new developments concerning the Network and its members.
Please use the links below to access the bulletins repository in English, French and Spanish.
''Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.''

Our strategy for 2024-2026
Within less than a decade, the GI-TOC has developed from being a lean start-up to a global organization.
The aim of this strategy is to consolidate that rapid growth, and to guide and inform the next phase of development in a way that demonstrates how the organization has become a truly global initiative. Therefore, the theme for this strategy period is to ‘go global’. For the Network, this implies that we want to further widen its international membership and broaden its inclusiveness.
You can find the GI-TOC Strategy 2021-2023 in English, Spanish and French here
Read the GI-TOC Constitution here
Virtual Group Discussions (VGDs)
The VGDs aim to create a forum for exchanging expertise, connecting members and opening new collaborative opportunities within the Network.
Please note that the VGDs are open to members of the GIN and GI-TOC staff only. Members may suggest a relevant colleague to attend the meeting on their behalf in exceptional cases.
Virtual Group Discussions are held on a bi-monthly basis, are chaired by the GI-TOC and feature presentations of two Network members on a topic related to organized crime.
Agenda 2024
📅 Thursday, 19 September
⏰ 2:30PM - 3:30PM (Geneva time)
''Gender and Organized Crime''
Description coming soon!

Note on Network affiliation
While most Network members work for and represent other institutions, in the interest of open, creative and critical debate, members are expected to participate in GI-TOC events in their personal capacity. Membership to the Network is based on voluntary principles and does not involve any sort of remuneration.
Network members enjoy all the unique advantages of the Network (e.g. participation in Virtual Group Discussions, networking opportunities, contribution to GI-TOC research and core projects, showcasing of their personal work) but should not claim to represent the organization in any way, shape or form.
Therefore, Network members are welcome to refer to themselves as GI-TOC Network member or Network expert.
Network members are asked to participate in the GI-TOC’s activities in a spirit of open cooperation and to provide views that are based on their personal experience.

Keep your membership information up to date!
If you are a new member, please make sure to fill the form below:
If you have been with us for a while, please make sure your information is up to date here:
Using the Network logo
GIN members are welcome to include the Global Initiative Network of Experts logo on their personal website, email signature and social media channels, should they wish to.
The right to use the Network logo is only granted to members once the entire membership application procedure has been completed and membership confirmed, and shall not reflect any kind of employment relationship between a member and the GI-TOC.
Please contact the Network Coordination team for any queries or suggestions you may have, to request a Network logo or powerpoint slides on the GI-TOC Network

Do you need to introduce the GI-TOC to somebody who isn’t familiar with us?
Feel free to share an intro Power Point with your audience!
We have designed 2 files for you, including all the key element that can be used to present the work of the Global Initiative to a diverse audience, depending on the type of presentation you want to give.
This one-slide intro can also be embedded into an existing presentation.
A detailed and regularly updated presentation.

Social Media
Our strategy on social media is essential to spread contents towards a diverse audience. Sharing GI-TOC content is not a requirement but will help strengthen our presence both online and offline.
To find GIN-related content more easily, use our hashtag
Our core platform for content sharing is Twitter, Facebook is used mainly for live streaming activities related to events and other initiatives.
On Linkedin, we have the opportunity to reach a very selected audience, and our Instagram account provides a mix of professional, unique and behind-the-scenes images and videos.

Network-exclusive LinkedIn Group
As a professional social network, LinkedIn is widely used by academics, organized crime practitioners and students. It has the functionality to support knowledge exchange, including the ability to upload articles and reports; provides a useful and professionally relevant frame for discussions; and is often used as a communication and networking tool across different layers.
The GI-TOC has created a private LinkedIn group dedicated to GI-TOC Network members.
What will you find there?
Thank you very much for visiting the GIN Resource Centre
We hope you enjoyed it, and please feel free to get in touch with the Network Coordination team for any queries or suggestions you may have, in case you are interested in contributing to a podcast/blog or if you would like to recommend a relevant colleague for Network membership.