Press kit

Insufficient data, weak cooperation, excluded communities, and corruption hamper an effective response to environmental crime.
ECO-SOLVE will use artificial intelligence and cutting-edge digital analysis to produce new responses to environmental crime. Implemented by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, ECO-SOLVE will provide law enforcement, policymakers, and local communities with invaluable information to fight online and offline illegal wildlife trade.

ECO-SOLVE is designed around three key workstreams – technology, exposure and community engagement, set out in more detail below – to address the issues hampering current law enforcement responses. These are supported by a fourth output, a grant facility that will fund other organizations to partner with our monitoring system, or run data cooperation or community projects that will intensify the impact of the ECO-SOLVE project.
The project’s activities employ new models and emerging technology, and are designed to generate fresh solutions to old problems. The grant facility has been designed to encourage experimentation and enable timely interventions to disrupt environment crime. The project has also been designed to connect local programming with regional and global policymaking.
1. Technology for disruption
The GI-TOC will build a global monitoring system composed of ‘data hubs’ in key countries using OSINT and machine-learning approaches to monitor online illicit wildlife markets. The hubs will stimulate local intervention in online wildlife trafficking and support capacity building in local law enforcement, while generating data that can help us understand trends and shape global policymaking. It will also promote international cooperation to create data that can be used to disrupt other illegal environmental flows.
Through mixed-method research projects, we aim to uncover evidence of the elite-level corruption behind the illegal timber industry, and identify gaps in enforcement and legislation
3. COmmunity engagement
This component of the project will empower
communities affected by environmental crime so that their perspectives can inform better local policing, while allowing them to participate in and inform debates in global forums.
A grant facility will be used to heighten the impact of the three workstreams above by funding community projects in areas affected by environmental crime, enabling partnerships and projects linked to improving global data on illicit environmental flows, and to react to opportunities to address impunity or corruption.
At the core of the ECO-SOLVE approach is collaboration among the numerous stakeholders that are the target beneficiaries or partners of this programme.
To ensure synergy, the activities have been designed to align with the needs of EMPACT, as well as global development priorities. The activities will involve the participation and partnership of local communities exposed to organized environmental crime, national and international NGOs, law enforcement bodies, researchers and policymakers.
New EU-funded Project to Combat Environmental Crimes Using AI and Open-Source Intelligence
BRUSSELS 20 March 2024
A new, three-year project funded by the European Union will use artificial intelligence and cutting-edge digital analysis to produce new responses to environmental crime. Implemented by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, ECO-SOLVE will provide law enforcement, policymakers, and local communities with invaluable information to fight online and offline illegal wildlife trade.
resources for SOCIAL MEDIA
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Website and contact
Do you have data you’d like to add to our online wildlife trafficking database? Would you like to disseminate our stories of green corruption? Or replicate our community engagement dialogues? Get in touch to connect.

About the GI-TOC
The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime is an independent civil society organization, headquartered in Geneva. It provides a platform to promote innovative approaches to responding to organized crime, which serve as the building blocks to shaping an inclusive global strategy against organized crime.