GI Communications

Guidance and resources for staff

books on brown wooden shelf

Communication is the backbone of human interaction. It's the way we connect, share ideas, and collaborate to achieve common goals. In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is more important than ever. Engaging with your audience and keeping their attention is key to successful communication. So whether you're giving a presentation, writing an email, or having a conversation, engagement is not to be underestimated.

This is what the Communications Team at the GI is for- finding ways to successfully communicate your research to a wider audience in an engaging way.

This page will hopefully answer any questions you may have.

🗓 Are you looking for event-related info?

Navigate to the ALL-Events folder to find event descriptions, photos and more. When you're planning a new event, create a new folder and save any relevant files for the comms team.

✏️ Everything you need for successful comms.

Now this is where you'll end up most of the time. Here you'll find Zoom backgrounds, Powerpoint and Word templates, logos that you can send to partners, writing guidelines and more.

🚀 Ready to go!

Are you looking for materials related to your published paper? Navigate to the Launching station folder, choose your observatory or initiative and find all related material there. You'll find the cover, web version of the publication, social media cards as well as graphs or maps resized for PPT that you specified in the comms questionnaire.

How do we work?

Communications timeline for the release of editorial products

two gray pencils on yellow surface

Unless strictly required because of extraordinary necessity and urgency, the public release of an editorial product (articles, bulletins, briefs, research reports) will respect the following timeline.

1. Every Monday and Thursday, the comms and editorial teams meet to review the editorial pipeline and update each other on the priorities. During these meetings, our shared Team Up Calendar “Public events/releases” is updated to match the latest updates in production. Periodically, we host Observatory Directors on the Monday afternoon meeting to get direct insights from their research activities in order to plan editorial activities accordingly.

2. Once the editorial/design phase has been completed, a final .pdf file is submitted to the communications team to start preparing social media messaging, email marketing, and digital communication content. Sometimes, the final .pdf requires a last donor/director/legal check. In this case, the comms team will have to wait for the revision process to be completed to avoid double work and reduce the risk of sharing something that should not be shared.

3. After receiving the final .pdf, the comms team shares a social media questionnaire with the author(s) of the content (including the Obs Director, in case the author is not a GI-TOC staff member).

4. The publication can be scheduled for release starting one week from the day the comms team receives the questionnaire back from the author. The release date is accessible to anyone via TeamUp, in the “Public events/Releases” calendar. This point also applies to public webinars: a webinar can take place starting one week from the day the comms team receives the final event information and an official flyer has been produced. Then the event info can be uploaded on

We're here to help!

Still have questions? Contact us!